  • Students join President Foster's task force for turning the corner on racism

    Students join President Foster's task force for turning the corner on racism.

  • 扭转种族主义



一组学生, 教师, staff and community members appointed by President Tim Foster to lead pp电子极速糖果’s efforts to “Turn the Corner on Racism” has made important progress in the first month since its formation.

他说:“我们进行了深入的研究, 真诚的,有时非常困难的谈话,福斯特校长说, referring to some of the groups' first meetings as students and staff of color expressed their experiences at CMU and in Grand 小君ction.

亚伦霍华德, 商业金融专业的大四学生,有房地产证书, is among the members of the committee that are both advising CMU leadership and working with administration, 教师 members and community members like GJPD Chief Doug Shoemaker to create lasting change and, 更直接的, 今年秋季的节目.

“The Turning the Corner committee is keeping hard topic conversations afloat to make sure we have absolute change. We are making hard controversial decisions for the betterment of pp电子极速糖果. 我们正在毫不留情地处理种族主义和社会不公正问题,” said Howard.

One initiative already underway is an effort to amplify the voices and perspectives of students of color via an adaptation of the CMU Civic Forum's Open Studio project. Launched in March as a response to the first stay-at-home orders of the coronavirus pandemic, Open Studio provided a platform for the campus to explore shared humanity through recorded messages and performances. 这部名为《pp电子极速糖果》的改编电影将邀请学生参加, 教师, staff and community members to engage in thought-provoking dialogue and artistic expression on racism and/or celebration of black culture in America.

“它将采取多种形式,凯·奥黛说, coordinator of student diversity in the Student Services Office and chair of the 扭转种族主义 committee. "We will have people share personal stories; others may recite excerpts from famous speeches or provide historical context regarding systemic racism; 教师 members will discuss efforts they're employing in the classroom and how they're adapting their curriculum — just to name a few,他补充道.

The committee is currently in pre-production on the project with the Marketing and Communications Office and the Mass Communications program.

蒂姆·凯西, 博士学位, 政治学教授, 和Kiana民族, 博士学位, 社会工作教授, serve on the committee and are assisting with engaging 教师 to help move campus, 社区和国家前进.

"We will be engaging 教师 throughout the coming year in a series of formal and informal surveys to determine the level of engagement they have on issues of diversity, inclusion and other matters that have been raised in recent months by people in America who are taking action to fight racism and injustice,凯西说。.

Casey and Peoples will start this fall with an informal survey to get 教师 thinking about how the issues raised by recent calls for reform might impact their own curriculum and approach to their courses and programs.

"The survey will identify ways they are already addressing these issues that can be shared as models for others moving forward. 晚些时候, we will be developing a tool to help 教师 assess their programs and individual course curriculum regarding issues of diversity and inclusion. We plan to work on including a section on diversity and inclusion into all future program reviews,凯西补充道。.

Students Aaron 里德 and Mae 宫野真守 are assisting on the president's task force, leading efforts by the Cultural Inclusion Council and planning a variety of projects for the fall. Plans are underway for two socially distanced BBQs for incoming and returning African American students as well as a dialogue between Black Student Alliance members and the Grand 小君ction Police Department.

里德, 由学生领导的文化包容委员会主任指出, "I believe that our community leaders are working diligently to improve the relationship of students and the GJPD. I am also certain that the Cultural Inclusion Council will stand with our members and students to ensure the safety for one another."

宫野真守, 黑人学生联盟的协调员, 添加, “虽然这是一个艰难的夏天, 我看到了CMU的管理部门是如何加强保护其BIPOC的. 现在比以往任何时候都重要, community is necessary and the only way to do so is by actively participating and engaging with others. I encourage black students on campus to join the BSA this coming year and begin the process of building a lasting community on campus where every black student feels safe."

The Turning the Corner committee is also working to bring a speaker to campus this fall; exploring offering a course on American slavery; evaluating additional counseling staff for the student wellness center; exploring a book or text that the entire campus can read and discuss; hosting a series of meetings to ask uncomfortable questions and have the conversations needed to advance the mission; and evaluating changes to the police academy and criminal justice curriculum.

他说:“我们的努力将非常有目的性,莉兹·豪厄尔说, 负责学生服务的代理副主席. "Just as we're addressing the threat of COVID-19 we're going to address the threat of unrepentant racism and intolerance of all types,她补充道.
