

John 马歇尔’s first day as president of pp电子极速糖果 was one of renewed focused on the power of human relationships to further build CMU into a model of excellence and innovation in higher education.

7月1日早间, 马歇尔 joined nearly 200 members of the campus community to kick off his first day. He personally met with individuals from facilities to finance and custodial to campus safety as well as faculty from academic and technical departments and programs.


“解决科罗拉多州面临的复杂问题, 高等教育——可以说是我们整个国家——需要建设, 成长和依靠一个多元化的团队,马歇尔在当天的第一场活动中对同事们说. “我们需要, 我需要, to hear your diverse perspectives and opinions to ensure that CMU continues to be relevant and innovative for students, 家庭, 雇主及地区.”

Coffee with colleagues launched an extensive day of conversations focused on key priorities and critical issues that require talented teams and out-of-the-box thinking.  

马歇尔’s first formal meeting of the day was with Aaron Reed (pictured above), 大众传播与媒介策略专业大四学生, previous director of the student-led Cultural Inclusion  Council and the 2021-22 student trustee. Their conversation centered around issues of inclusion and ensuring ways that the president, his senior leadership team and faculty can continually improve the student experience.

“我们进行了一次有趣的谈话, 我迫不及待地想看到他今年带来的沟通和透明度,里德说.

继续关注沟通和透明度, President 马歇尔 connected by telephone with 教师 Senate President David Collins, 博士学位, 也是物理学教授. 马歇尔 began exploration of a potential faculty advisory committee to ensure diverse perspectives reach his desk and inform critical decisions on strategic initiatives.

马歇尔 then convened the cross-campus enrollment management team with new Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Management Kim Medina, to launch the first of ongoing conversations about strategic ways CMU will continue growing enrollment and raising the educational attainment level in the region and across Colorado.

对马歇尔, 以及整个大学, 增加招生人数排在第二位,其次是确保每位特立独行者都感到受欢迎, 作为校园社区的一员,安全而有价值. 

作为负责学生服务的副主席, 马歇尔 spent years working with Associate Professor of Psychology Nikki Jones, 博士学位, 在安全, 包容与健康. 这一对话在马歇尔总统上任的第一天继续进行.


“Ensuring every student feels safe and accepted on campus is a top university priority, 这就是为什么像这样的持续对话很重要吗,马歇尔说. “These discussions will help inform and shape university policies, procedures and programming.”

Jones will assist the President’s Office and the Student Services team with analyzing prior institutional data and launching new studies that will inform initiatives for creating an optimum campus climate, 防止性侵犯,提高学生的整体健康水平.

“我的故事和很多学生一样. 我18岁高中一毕业就来到了这所学校。. “我和队友之间的关系, 同学和教授改变了我的人生轨迹. That’s where it all started and that’s why I’m so passionate about the work we do on this campus.”

Another relationship which has always been a priority for CMU is with the larger community. With their support, the campus is stronger and students are more prepared for their future endeavors. 在已经很好的伙伴关系上更进一步, 马歇尔在午餐时会见了大枢纽县和梅萨县的领导人. 县专员委员会主席珍妮特·罗兰, 城市经理格雷格·卡顿说, County Administrator Pete Bair and Grand Junction 五月or Chuck McDaniel joined 马歇尔 at Hotel Maverick’s restaurant the Devil’s Kitchen.


The group had a wide range of conversations covering everything from economic development to workforce planning to ways CMU can give back to the municipalities that have so graciously worked alongside the university throughout the years.

“无论是奖学金还是帮助我们校园发展的关键投资, both  Mesa County and the City of Grand Junction have answered the call time and time again when it comes to supporting CMU students,马歇尔说. “Our local government partners are major employers in their own right so we need to lean in and actively listen to what they need from us as well.”

午餐后, 马歇尔 convened the university’s critical incident team to continue the conversation on campus safety. 


The group discussed several priority safety protocols including cybersecurity and response to critical incidents that may occur on campus, 以及技术如何帮助大学的努力.

除了利用技术来推进安全协议, CMU and WCCC continue to be committed to the advancement of technology in the classroom. 马歇尔 toured the Sturm-ANB Bank Mobile Learning Lab and met with the program lead to learn more about the lab’s unique capabilities. 机电一体化技术指导Josh Pertile演示了53英尺长, 8英尺宽的最先进的移动教室, 哪个学校为高中学生提供机电一体化课程, 参加公司培训的成人学习者和员工. mllmarshall.jpg

“职业和技术教育对该地区至关重要, 这就是为什么我们在这些领域投入了大量的资源,马歇尔说. “The Mobile Learning Lab is a perfect example of the innovative thinking that we do in order to serve our immediate area, 各种规模的农村社区和科罗拉多州.”

马歇尔 rounded out his first day as president with members of the 校友 Association Board, the CMU Foundation Board as well as a few members of the Board of Trustees including Trustee Chair Alison Griffin.

img_0090cmunow.jpg马歇尔, 校友, 24年前开始了他在CMU的旅程, 并反思自己走到今天的道路.

“从来没有过。,000 years would I have predicted that lanky kid who showed up on this campus all those years ago would one day be leading it,他说. “我们的许多校友都是家里第一个上大学的人. Many came from 家庭 with limited financial resources or from challenging backgrounds. 是高等教育, 特别是CMU的教职员工, 人员和资源, that have helped change the trajectory of countless students’ and their 家庭’ lives,他补充道.  



“This has been a humbling experience and it’s only the beginning,马歇尔说. “I’m grateful for this opportunity and am prepared to continue this hard, but important, work.”

马歇尔于4月29日被任命为总统, 2021, following a comprehensive and competitive nationwide search by the CMU Board of Trustees — officially began in his role July 1, 2021. 他的办公时间是星期一下午2点,你可以在 (电子邮件保护).

